Making Lemonade

2020 has been a year like none of us was expecting... I think there must be very few people who didn’t have plans that had to change, daily life that wasn’t thrown into confusion.
Here in Melbourne, we slogged through one Covid-19 lockdown along with the rest of the country. The numbers dropped, then we all started to come out of hibernation and start living ‘Covid normal’. Then our city had another breakout and we were locked down again, much stricter this time. Only allowed 5km from home, no shops open unless they sold food, a curfew between 8pm and 5am... not the kind of life we are used to here!
Amidst the first lockdown, I came across a webinar hosted by photographer Carla Coulson on creating and selling your photography. Now, I’ve always loved photography, for as long as I can remember. I got my first camera for my birthday when I was around 10- not going to say how long ago that was, but it’s been a while! I’d been following Carla for a while and loved not only the joy and beauty in her photographs, but in her words. The webinar left me wanting to learn more- I’d tossed around the idea of selling my photos for a long time but I wanted to do it right, and I lacked the knowledge. The internet is full of information, but I wasn’t even sure where to start.
Luckily for me, I wasn’t the only one wanting more, and soon Carla realised the demand for a full blown course. Right at the beginning of lockdown two, I embarked on an exciting journey, with a wonderful group of people from around the world, doing all sorts of photography. Modules on things I’d never imagined, videos to watch and workbooks to go through, Zoom calls with the group, you name it. Making lemonade from the lemons that 2020 had given me.
Luckily for me, I wasn’t the only one wanting more, and soon Carla realised the demand for a full blown course. Right at the beginning of lockdown two, I embarked on an exciting journey, with a wonderful group of people from around the world, doing all sorts of photography. Modules on things I’d never imagined, videos to watch and workbooks to go through, Zoom calls with the group, you name it. Making lemonade from the lemons that 2020 had given me.
I’m quite sad that our course is technically over now, but so grateful for all the knowledge Carla has given us, from dealing with our little inner voices through to technical things like websites, printing and choosing the right paper for our work (an art in itself I’ve learned!)
I’m looking forward to the next step in this new journey that began all those years ago, with many thanks to Carla and her gifts for passing on her knowledge and inspiring us to follow new paths in our lives.